Shipping and Handling
Shipping and Handling
Where will we ship to?
We ship to the United States and Canada
What are our shipping rates?
Charges are based on the weight of the products shipped. As you complete your checkout, a shipping charge will be displayed. This applies to most products which weigh less than 150 pounds. Some shippable items may require Special handling due to their size. Prices may vary by location and are based on the number of trips made to your location.
Free Standard Shipping via UPS: for all orders $99 and up.
Freight Shipping:
- $19.99 on orders under $500
- Free Shipping on orders over $500
How do we ship multiple items?
Can I return a shipment?
Yes, products purchased online can be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
Click here for Warranty and Returns.
What if my order is received wrong or defective?
An order from that is shipped in error or defective will be corrected upon notification by the customer.
• Mac Tools will pay for the shipping cost.
• A Material Return Authorization(MRA) is required.
• Upon receipt of the item, the customer's credit card will be credited or the correct product will be shipped.• Contact your local Mac Tools Franchisee or Distributor for warranty issues regarding purchases made on the truck.
• If you no longer have a Distributor or Franchisee to service the product, contact Customer Service at 1-800-MACTOOLS for a Material Returns Authorization.
When will my order arrive?
What are our shipping methods?
For items or orders over 150lbs, we use a common carrier and deliver as curb service. A person over the age of 18 must sign for these shipments.